West Village Story

I need a picture that signifies "West Village". Can't get much more villagey than Washington Square. The focus will be the arch but I really can't leave out the big buildings behind it.

How am I going to do the fountain? I think I'll try spatter painting like in kindergarten. Going to need very thin paint and my toothbrush. And something to mask the rest of the painting. 

OK. That worked. We'll find out tomorrow if I cleaned the brush successfully.

All done except a few needed adjustments. And the toothbrush tasted fine.



Just blocking out the main objects. I'd like the arch to dominate so I get to go easy on the buildings' details.






Slightly changed proportions. I like the perspective better - makes the yellow building stand out nicely but I've got to do something about the other one.




The balconies were a bit of a nightmare so I'm using a bit of masking tape to keep me straight on the other side.

Roughed in the windows but they need tidying up and now something's bothering me about the short building in front. Maybe we'll try putting a roof on it.




That's better, and I've lightened up the windows so it doesn't look like they're bricked up. And there's something I don't like about that yellow, I need to find a yellow that's a bit less lemony, I think there's one called "Naples" yellow.